Cover Crop Considerations

Cover Crops best work their magic with a plan in place covering at least a few future plantings. Questions to ask before planting include:

  • Primary Goals?

    Graze, build organic matter, reduce compaction, etc.

  • Following Cash Crop?

    The majority of the cover crop mixture should be a different crop type than the following cash crop.

  • Warm Species?

    If planting later than August 10, do not include warm-season species in planting considerations.

  • Overwintering?

    Cereal grains most consistently overwinter, i.e., cereal rye, winter wheat, triticale, etc.

  • Herbicide Half-Life?

    Herbicides break down by microbes, sunlight, organic matter level, pH, etc.

  • Planting Options?

    Drilling after small grain/silage/corn/soybeans, aerial seeding, or full season.

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